This Blog was set up by a Nurse to try to track and better understand the Swine Flu Outbreak of 2009, and is a place to sort Facts and Science and what we need to know.
(Originally opened Blog 4.30.09) I am reposting all the blog posts from Watergate Summer over to this blog to attempt to better track the Swine Flu. I am still not sure of the total picture of this outbreak, but as a nurse I feel compelled to follow it and pay attention. My main concern is that 50 Million people in the States do not have Health Insurance or Healthcare. I also have many questions how it was originally handled and studied in Mexico, and yes I have questions about the Hygiene Practices at the Hog Farm in Vera Cruz.
All information here is presented as a Nurse, and the main purpose for educating and helping people get their questions answered. I do post articles from a global health oriented perspective. I do believe Education is critical for better health. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blog will be updated with New Update Posts Daily...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hopkins Global Doctor is interviewed for Voice of America. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BBC has Interviewed Lancet Physicians to answer Our Questions....excellent read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consumer Reports has an entire page on Swine Flu, excellently done. ( Some of the Snippets from this page are in the Comments and have been forwarded by Happy in Nevada...really wonderful.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BBC has More about WHO 's concerns, and that it has now spread to 18 countries and 900 are confirmed. The Mexican Numbers are still fuzzy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Guardian has a great article exploring the WHO"S concerns about Impoverished Nations.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile in the States it is up to 245 in 35 States, and the labs continue to catch up to the Situation, 435 Schools to remain closed this week. CDC has extended the Incubation phase, up to 2 weeks, so schools will stay closed for two weeks while they are cleansed. I am still trying to determine the Hospitalized numbers and ages. Snippet:::: "US flu tally jumps to 245 as labs catch up////By MALCOLM RITTER – 40 minutes ago NEW YORK (AP) — The tally of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States jumped Sunday to 245 in 35 states, but officials said that's largely from catching up on a backlog of lab tests rather than a sudden spurt in new infections. The new count reflects streamlining in federal procedures and the results of tests by states, which have only recently begun confirming cases, said Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Because states are now contributing their results, and because there are many cases to analyze, "I expect the numbers to jump quite a bit in the next couple days," she told reporters Sunday. Beyond eating into the backlog, the new number also reflects that "we do think this virus is fairly widespread," she said. "Virtually all of the United States probably has this virus circulating now. That doesn't mean that everybody's infected, but within the communities, the virus has arrived." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LA Times Monday Morn:::: Why Immigrants Deserve Medical Care
Really Interesting interesting interview with a woman about Chinese Medicine and Herbs, and worth the listen, click the title it is about 10 minutes. Air America has some other good programs about the Flu as well that are worth checking out, just click the side bar button- the radio to hear more and go to the Air America Website.
Okay So here is today's Update: More than a 100 confirmed cases in over 11 states, and there is more News Below.Okay so the Hog People don't want it called Swine Flu....well , the Fact is that the Feces from a Large Smithfield Farm, US Owned that slaughters over a million pigs a year in Vera Cruz Mexico is being examined and tested for SWINE flu....And there are concerns that the Excrement are part of the Chain of the Outbreak. Scientists are trying to determine if it is actual exposure to the Feces or if flies are involved in the process.Lab samples have been sent to the University of New Mexico. Now let's be real about this, from a hygiene standpoint Feces and fecal matter present health threats, whether it be Hepatitis or CMV or other organisms.....So it is scientifically relevant. I can only hope that all the workers in that little village are being tested and their work practices examined. The Nature Network Link below has more on the Farm and the photos of a less than hygenic facility.
LA TIMES First Paper to send Out the WHO Declaration::: WHO raises pandemic flu alert level to phase 5 .The World Health Organization has raised its pandemic alert for swine flu to the second highest level, meaning that it believes a global outbreak of the disease is imminent.WHO says the phase 5 alert means there is sustained human-to-human spread in at least two countries. It also signals that efforts to produce a vaccine will be ramped up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4:40 PM W.H.O Conference still ongoing, it is 11PM there in Geneva Here is the WHO Pandemic Chart that explains the Pandemic Levels showing levels 4-6 that may help:::
"PHASE 4:: is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus able to cause “community-level outbreaks.” The ability to cause sustained disease outbreaks in a community marks a significant upwards shift in the risk for a pandemic. Any country that suspects or has verified such an event should urgently consult with WHO so that the situation can be jointly assessed and a decision made by the affected country if implementation of a rapid pandemic containment operation is warranted. Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion.
PHASE 5::: is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Video about the Toddler that died in Texas, had been sick since April 4th and was being treated for pneumonia, and now workers at both hospitals are being monitored and tested.
LA Times::: Mexico's government is temporarily suspending all nonessential activity of the federal government and private business as the number of confirmed swine flu cases jumped.
Health Secretary Jose Cordova says nonessential federal government offices will be closed from May 1-5. He said all nonessential private businesses must also close for that period but essential services like transport, supermarkets, trash collection, hospital will remain open.Cordova told a news conference late Wednesday that confirmed swine flu cases have risen to 99, including eight dead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be honest I am confused What are the True Numbers there ? and What is really going on ? And I wonder What is Non Essential Government ? The Health Dept ? ~~~~~~~~~ Bloomberg asks Why is the Flu More Deadly in Mexico ( I repeat What are the true numbers in Mexico)
First Symptoms:::: Fevers, Chills, Sore throat, and Dizziness, Cough and Headaches,some shortness of breath, and some people have had GI Symptoms Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea.If you have any of these symptoms follow the list below, but also avoid crowds and gatherings, especially ones with children, babies and pregnant women, elderly and Immune Compromised.Dr.Weil has more on this as well.
(1) Call Your Doctor's Office and ask What They are recommending and encouraging ?Are they sending people to ER or Health Dept ? Are they seeing Flu Patients Separately ? HOW is Testing to be done, are they shipping Tests to CDC in Georgia ? What are they recommending for treatment and Quarantine ? IF you do Not have Health Insurance, call the County Health Dept, and the State Health Dept. and ask Where you are to go. Federal Funds are supposed to cover Care and Testing of Residents in every state. No One should be told that they have to pay for the Tests or shipments of the Tests, or Tamiflu.It was declared an National Emergency 5 days ago.
(2) Call your Local Health Dept, County and ask What they are recommending,and also check their Website, and do See the NEW CDC /DHHS Button on my Side bar is full of very good information.
(3) Also ask HOW they are treating , and do they have tamiflu or Relenza Available for treatment.
(4) Once you think you have had, you can not and should not be Vaccinated. (5) Once you have Symptoms, do wear Mask around other people and out in public you must wear, it is Droplet Spread as a Respiratory Virus. I the Nurse, DO recommend the Mask. Cover Mouth when you cough ALWAYS. And Wipe ALL surfaces and carry Antiseptic Wipes with you. Carry Antiseptic Gel with you. Wipe ALL Contact Surfaces with Antiseptic Wipes, this includes phones, doorknobs,keyboards and ATM"s etc. Do drink fluids and rest.
(6) Some People on MSM are saying it is "Just a Flu", that is Not exactly true,Regular Flu does not Normally kill people under 50,healthy people and children.We also do NOT know enough about the Mexico Victims- how many were young and Children. That is WHY this is So Critical to know what to do.
I took off this week to Volunteer at a Free Health Fair here in Ohio, and it has now been Cancelled due to with This Flu. So I am committed to getting ALL of us Help , email me if you need to....I am ready to help, or make Calls, and I have researched this very well. I think as of now I am one of the only RN's Blogging the Swine Flu.....( hundreds of articles down below...and Daily Updates will continue, because Education and Information is our best way to be prepared and take care of each other). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CDC Swine Site linked in to the Title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good video explaining about Transmission and Incidence rates:::
Dr.Martin Blaser on CNN explaining What to do to Protect to Yourself, especially about Mask Protection::::
Another article that is getting much focus is The Guardian Article that is zeroing in on the Possible Source of the Flu in Mexico. It centers around a small village in Vera Cruz, and the Large Corporate US owned Hog Farm. ( Yes, it is a Smithfield Farm). The Bigger question that is emerging about the Flu is the path of transmission Actual Contact with the excrement or is it the Flies that have excrement. ( Tests are being run on samples from the farm at University of New Mexico). The Guardian has an entire page dedicated to following up all angles of this Epidemic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ** ? Enigma HOG WASTE Question ?*** As of 3PM::: Is the Hog Farm Excrement used to fertilize fruits and vegetables ? Because if it is then that path of transmission also needs to be examined ? I also have heard no discussion of whether Hog Farm Workers have been sick or tested ? It seems that would be a path of exploration. And sadly yes, it does raise questions about all the Hog Waste Issues and how it could possibly contaminate the food chain or reach people. Secretary of Agriculture Vlsak said that Pork Products are safe in HLS Presser today, he did not explain well enough Why pork is being scrutinized, he turned into a time to promote the Hog Industry.Sadly he is missing the point , that it is NOT just an Economic Issue, it is a Safety Issue- people want to be reassured that their MEAT is Safe. Sadly he caused confusion, claiming that it should not be called Swine Flu which will only cause confusion at this critical time. Sadly a Mixed Message can cause problems, Dr.Bresser of the CDC gave his presser earlier at 2 PM , and he still called it the Flu Swine Flu.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AP :: ;Latest Video about the Global Rise and the implications for International travelers, and even explains how they face Quarantine issues abroad. ( Linked to the title is BBC Video about travel and global spread, or you can watch here also.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3:30 PM Update:::: LA TIMES Governor declares Emergency::: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger today proclaimed a state of emergency over the spread of swine flu, expediting state agency responses to the outbreak.State health officials have been aggressively working to combat the outbreak, and the proclamation is simply one more step in that effort, not an indication that the outbreak here has become more severe.The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors also declared a local state of emergency today. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Carnival Cruises has Cancelled Mexico Cruises" ( AP: 2PM) Carnival cancels Mexico cruise stops over flu fear//From Associated Press//April 28, 2009 1:51 PM EDT MIAMI - Carnival Cruise Lines has suspended stops at Mexican ports over concerns about swine flu.The company says it canceled Mexico stops for three ships scheduled to visit the country Tuesday. It hasn't yet announced a decision on future stops there.Meanwhile, the company and competitors Royal Caribbean International and Norwegian Cruise Lines tried to allay guest fears by emphasizing how thoroughly the ships are cleaned.Norwegian's Pearl is on a special voyage with Mexico stops. The company says it is monitoring the situation and asking passengers about their health before cruises start.Royal Caribbean says it's monitoring the situation but telling passengers not to worry because the outbreaks are inland, not in the Mexican coastal cities popular with cruise tourists. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ US CDC Numbers :: 2PM California 10 cases Kansas 2 cases New York City 45 cases Ohio 1 case Texas 6 cases TOTAL COUNT 64 cases ( up above I listed 68- but that is what was is being reported on most news outlets and also foreign ones- so I am trying get a better updated number, important to note that the 45 number is based on person to person transmission- only 8 of those went to Mexico- so this is a true Cluster that shows Human to Human transmission). Anderson Cooper updated his Blog tonight and interviewed Dr.Gupta. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11PM While reading about Sebelius Update;;:: I came across the Sentence in the story that says that the US Number is up to 64 ??? We will learn more tomorrow. "But Sebelius will take office as U.S. health officials rush to prepare for a possible widespread outbreak of a new strain of flu that has killed scores of people in Mexico and sickened at least 64 in the United States." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CBS is trying to educate people on this disease by having questions and education provided by Infectious Disease Physicians. Huffpost article explains more. New WHO website
I have been in contact with people from 3 states that have had Flu Symptoms and have different Flu Experiences and how they are being treated and tested, it concerns me that their experiences have been different. Once the Feds Declared this an Emergency, there should be funds released to the States so that Surveillance ( ie Testing ) should be paid for by the State Health Departments.AS A FLU SUSPECT YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR TESTING OR EMERGENCY ANTI VIRALS, AND SHOULD BE TOLD HOW TO SELF QUARANTINE AND OFFERED MASKS AS THIS IS DROPLET SPREAD AS A RESPIRATORY INFECTION, EVEN THOUGH IT HAS GI SYMPTOMS.PEOPLE SHOULD BE BEING OFFERED TAMIFLU OR RELENTZA AS THE H1N1 ONLY RESPONDS TO THESE TWO ANTIVIRALS.
Please check your local State Health Departments and see WHAT people are told to do and What they are told about Testing. Also CDC should be in charge of telling the States HOW people are to be tested and WHERE the tests are to be sent. I am going to investigate this for the next few days as this is important.
As a Nurse I am trying to get as much Information on this Pandemic, not to scare, but to Educate all of I will keep posting much on this issue. ( and don't worry I will return to political issues of importance like Torture in a few days.)
Please Post below or email about WHAT is being told to you in your state, or by your Health Dept and your experiences.....thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11PM CDC Numbers::: California 10 cases Kansas 2 cases New York City 45 cases Ohio 1 case Texas 6 cases TOTAL COUNT 64 cases ( 5 hospitalized). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 PM Guardian Update 13 Cases in California.
From Channel 3:::: CLEVELAND -- Health officials announced Tuesday afternoon that the Remote Area Medical or "RAM" Ohio event planned for this upcoming weekend has been cancelled.The "RAM" Ohio event was expected to draw thousands of people without health insurance to the Berea Fairgrounds to receive free medical, dental, and vision care.The Ohio Department of Health recommended the event be cancelled due to concerns over the swine flu outbreak. The Cuyahoga County Board of Health is backing the ODH's decision. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The event has been postponed indefinitely but organizers say it will be rescheduled once the swine flu outbreak dissipates.... I was going to work this Event this weekend, as it has been planned here for monthes, and publicized because there are millions here in Ohio without HealthCare, and it is an event that was planned to offer medical and dental care to those in need. It was to be held at Fairgrounds, 2000 Health Care Volunteers,including nurses and doctors had donated services and thousands were expected to show for care. ( I was also planning to report on the event and post on it with photos and videos, but mostly I am sad as many here are in need of this event. I know it will be rescheduled for a safer date- and this is a prudent action.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please do read the Post below as it has Updates and Full information, Nursing Advice and Websites ( as well as Many Foreign Websites, Blogs and Papers.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 PM Monday 4.27.09 UPDATES::::: (1) World total is up to 75 Cases of Swine Flu, the total in NYC is now 28 ( was 8 last night), America total is now 40.Travel to Mexico Now being discouraged and Border Passive Surveillance in Place. Mexico has had 141 deaths ( up forty from last night), still unclear of True Numbers, 1600 seeking medical care for flu, and 400 still in hospital. ( The real question is in Mexico City of 20 million and many poor- how many have not sought medical care ? It is worth studying. And that issue also may present a problem in the States, unless Health Depts and Hospitals are willing to offer FREE Healthcare for possible Flu Victims.) Tamiflu can be used to treat this Flu, but it is unclear if it going to offered to prevent spread, or saved for Treatment. Please do read the post below for Self Preparedness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *{first posted 4.26.09 at Noon}* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WORLD HEALTH ORG WEBSITE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CDC Swine Flu Website ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHITEHOUSE PRESSER ON SWINE FLU AT 12:43 PM on Sunday 4.26.09 First Gibbs spoke, then Brennan ( he is Obama's Chief Security person), then Dr. Besser from CDC spoke and explained about how this is being handled, it sounds like it will be examined state by state. This is being declared a Public Health Emergency by the Dept of Homeland Security by Napoliteano. ( She said this is how any emergency is treated so that Funds can be released ). Dept of Defense has 7 Million Tamiflu doses available. (It is a shame that DHHS did not get Sebelius confirmed, as that dept needs leadership at this time.Obama might have to Emergency Appoint ?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ California 7 cases Kansas 2 cases New York City 8 cases Ohio 1 case Texas 2 cases TOTAL COUNT 20 cases as of Sunday Eve.4.27.09 They did encourage hand washing, covering mouth with cough. Nothing was said about Wearing Mask or other precautions, or whether it is droplet spread, I will try to find more research on this. CDC FLU page is linked to the title. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday 4.25.09 Updates::: Huffpo and there is more USA Today has more. BBC is also following closely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LA Times Update 1PM Sunday 4.26.09:: Los Angeles Times | April 26, 2009 | 10:05 a.m. PT Government declares public health emergency over swine flu The U.S. is declaring a public health emergency to deal with the emerging new swine flu. The precautionary step doesn't signal a greater threat to Americans. But it allows the federal and state governments easier access to flu tests and medications.Federal health officials say 20 cases of swine flu have been reported in five states so far. Officials expect more cases and more severe illness among Americans. About 12 million doses of the drug Tamiflu are being released from a federal stockpile so that states can get it if needed. The 20 cases reported so far are in New York, Ohio, Kansas, Texas and California. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday Night NYT article explains symptoms and treatment really well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday 4.27.09 2am Very Thorough BBC Article has updates here that are helpful And more from Mexico Update as of Sun.4.27.09 McCLatchey and Christian Science Monitor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMPORTANT LINKS WITH UPDATES ::: BBC IN THE TRENCH REPORTS From Medical People in Mexico *** Google Earth Mapping *** Interesting Sidney Herald Article explains disease from Micro level with cell photos. and the newest update 4.27 Monday Morn Boston Globe update 11AM Update:::: NYT reporting that Europe is urging halting travel to US and Mexico. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 PM Monday 4.27.09 WHO is issuing a Report and Warning at 4PM. Now the NYC Numbers has climbed ( varying reports 28-40 all related to the Highschool in Queens- One Cluster, although over 150 last week out of 2700 reported to the Nurse Sick). Mexico did have another 40 die during the night. MORE Updates in the Comments Section.
HLS HAS NOW ISSUED Travel Advisory about Mexico- NO Unneccessary Travel. ( Clinton was on earlier saying that Situation was being reviewed). Napoltaneo and Brennan are now giving presser at 3:15 PM ( right after Gibbs). Napolitano says that we are at Level 3. ( Level 6- is FULL Pandemic Level). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BBC video explains more...
*****ENIGMA NURSE NOTE and SOME ADVICE****** 1 PM Sunday 4.26.07.....I have to go to work. But I will update this when I get home, This post will be kept at the top and updated during the day.I will post articles down below with more information, I will also update in the comments as well. I don't know enough at this time, even though I have been reading. My concern is that the Situation in Mexico is serious, 1300 sick, and 81 deaths. I do think the past 8 years Health Issues have been handled in a deplorable manner ( ie the salmonella etc). So I am hoping that the Obama Administration is trying to be proactive on we don't have a Mexico Situation here.
Wash Hands Thoroughly and Often with warm soapy water, buy some of that Disinfective Gel, and Chlorox Wipes and even keep Lysol handy for cleaning surfaces and yes that means carry in car and briefcase, purse .....Wipe surfaces, ATM, phone, don't leave your coffee mug in the lounge with other mugs. If you share computer or phone with other workers wipe atleast twice a day. Also if religous- esp Catholic I would discourage taking Communion- it is not a coincidence that the Spike in the Cluster rose AFTER Easter ( this also happened with the SARS epidemic.). I also encourage people to check on your neighbors, especially those that might not have Cable or are elderly.
** And yes, I would encourage people to acquire MASKS or buy them now- as we might need them, and yes, I am serious. I think it is best we be prepared and informed and careful with this as it bears close monitoring , I say this as an RN with 20+ years including Community Health Experience, ER and Disaster Training. Stay Calm, Stay Informed.Be Prepared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** DO READ THE COMMENTS SECTION AS I AM POSTING UPDATES THERE FROM INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL SOURCES ON A FREQUENT BASIS.****
I am truthseeking scorched whistleblower,Buddhist mom nurse. I am a newsjunkie,research fiend...I am on Twitter
@watergatesummer. On the Radio 99 Report and The Night Train.